Thursday, April 10, 2014

Islam - Muslims & Preacher

I am a Muslim, and thankful for being one.

Eventhough I don't cover my hair, I still performs the other duties as a Muslim - prayers, fasting, recites Holy Quran, eating only halal foods, no alcohols and no sex. There are actually many types of Muslim in this world. But what I wanna talk about is

1) The Muslims that are only good to Allah SWT but not to humans - These people are faithful to God, they perform prayers, recites Quran everyday, and does all kind of worships. BUT, only that. They don't perform well as a human being, because I have witnessed myself how they act. Some of them bumped into another people but didn't even apologize. Some didn't returned the smile from strangers. Some didn't thanked people after been helped. Some say bad things to the people that are not like them. Manners is important in life and hereafter.

2) The Muslim womens that covered up all to their face and dressed all black - This is not the image of a real Islam. We want to be welcoming and approachable. Dressing up that way is like showing you don't want to socialize with other people - the non Muslims. Covering up your face is not necessary, but why do you do that? The Arab women do that because their place is a desert, full of dusts so they would want to get protected. But we are Malaysians, the air is alright and we could breathe just fine. Wearing colourful clothes would show that Muslim women are just like any other normal women, we can do fashion and dressed up nicely but we have limitations to protect us from committing sins. Make other people understand, even the to other Muslims that we are also human, and we are not extreme.

3) The faithful Muslims that only socialize with faithful Muslims - I get it if you only want to befriends with the people who can lead you to the right path, but do you remember that preaching other people to worship Allah SWT is also a duty as a Muslim? So please, preach people like me - the not-so-good Muslim together to become better. This is why the Muslims are separated into two - the good Muslims and the bad Muslims. And this basically give the impression to the bad Muslims that 'you guys are only nice to God and the people like you, but not to us because you guys are not kind-hearted at all.'

4) Preacher - Please, this is the most important one. One day, I went to my school office. I was writing with my left hand because I am left handed. (In Islam, the left hand is not preferred because we use it to wash our private parts). But it is not haraam or sinful, because if we find it hard to use our right hand, we are excused.
"Allah wants ease for you, not hardship." (Al-Baqarah 2:185). So there is this middle aged guy who was wearing a 'songkok' said to me that I was writing wrong - with harsh tone. I tried to be nice so I just smiled but then he said 'There you write with your left hand, its wrong!' with a rude face just went off. I was shocked, DEFINITELY. That is not how you preach, old man. There are also many preacher out there that mocked people in their preach, use harsh words and have the absolute wrong idea about the bad Muslims. How do the non Muslims want to see this positively? How do the bad Muslims want to change after been mocked? Preacher should preach to all kind of people, not to the only one kind of people - the good Muslims.

5) The Muslims that mocked the other Muslims - This can go to the bad Muslims that mocked the good Muslims or the other way around. When you don't go to the mosque, you can't say that people that go the mosque are not that good. When you don't cover your hair, you can't say that the Muslims that cover their hair also commit other sins. When you touch the opposite gender publicly, you can't say the others that didn't do, actually do it privately. To the better Muslims out there, when you see a Muslim girl covered up their hair but dressed tightly, you can't mocked them. When you see someone who don't worships God as often as you do, you can't say that is the reason for their miserable life. EVERYONE PLEASE, RESPECT ONE ANOTHER. SEE THE GOOD IN EVERYTHING.BE POSITIVE. Do not just be good Muslim, but also be someone with a good heart. Do not be an extremist. Please.

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